Hi there and welcome to my blog! My name is Keshia!

I have a fierce love of nature, travel, art, science, and fun facts!

I created this blog to share this love with others. I want to help people understand more about the natural world, discover new places and things, and excite minds with fun facts!

I have been diagnosed with ADHD, and thus, my interests are always changing—hence the name, Drifting Mind Blog! I mostly want to share about nature and travel, but I will occasionally drop some posts on alternative topics with information that I find fascinating—and I hope you do, too! It’s good for the brain to stretch outside the usual!

A Little More About Me

I am from Vermont, where I developed my nature-loving, adventurous side. I was in the military as an intelligence officer, where I discovered I really enjoy research! I have lived in Vermont, New York, Texas, South Dakota, Utah, and Oregon so far. I have a master’s degree in biomimicry. My dog, Cricket, and my Subaru Forester are my ultimate travel companions.

Why You Should Trust Me

You shouldn’t! At least not 100%. I will do my best to find and deliver the most accurate information, but always make sure this info seems intelligent and cross-reference it with other sources. I’ll post my sources at the end of each article for you to check out (unless it’s a personal experience). I believe it’s important to be critical about what you read online and encourage it! I’m not an expert on any one thing and still have so much to learn like everybody else! So please let me know if you spot anything in my blog that needs updating.

Thank you for checking out my blog, and I hope you stop by again soon!